As a queer woman of color, whose had the privilege to navigate through higher education and corporate America, I understand what it can feel like to not have access. I want to make sure I share my privilege with others. At wayOUT, I want to use my privilege, network, and resources to help LGBTQ+ individuals that live in more conservative areas with less resources.
Seeing a close friend struggle to come out to family forced me to think about what it means to be an ally, and to me that means supportive action. I joined wayOUT because LGBTQ+ youth deserve access to safe, self-affirming spaces, and the tools to thrive as their authentic self, regardless of where they grow-up, and I’m honored to be a small part of extending these lifesaving resources.
Even with the incredible acceptance and support of my family and friends, coming out was an experience that still came with challenges. I joined wayOUT to help make it so that LGBTQ+ youth all over the country, no matter who they are or where they live, are able to access and experience safety and support – and our mission is more vital now than ever.

Brenden Kennedy
he/him • los angeles

Alexander Moore
he/him • los angeles

Bonnie Templin
she/her • nyc
My coming out story could have been a tragic one had it not been for the support of my community. That is why I am so honored to be a part of wayOUT— it is built on the idea that communities supporting each other moves us all forward. By showing our love for one another, we prove time and again that acceptance and belonging comes in many forms and that by empowering LGBTQ+ youth, the possibilities of the future are endless.
I have lived a very fortunate life. I have lived surrounded by people who accept and celebrate who I am. I have lived without fear. I have lived knowing proud LGBTQ individuals who continue to inspire me. I also know there are many who have not been so lucky. I know that part of my own privilege is to give back to my own community. I am honored to be part of an organization whose mission is to help create that same world without fear that I grew up with.
I joined wayOUT because of my experiences growing up gay. While recognizing that I was gay was pretty easy, the thought of others finding out created signfiicant anxiety. Even now, it’s hard for me to think about how much pain it caused me. I never thought that marriage would be legal, go through a day without being harassed for “lifestyle choices," or be able to part of an organization with wayOUT’s mission. I am thankful for the opportunity to work with my community and rally behind organizations that do such amazing work.

Tiffany Barillas
she/her • los angeles

Becky Heller
she/her • nyc

Cameron Hood
he/him • nyc